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Pattimura University Student Alliance Protest Action Ahead of the 2024 Election in Ambon City

On February 10, 2024, at Pattimura University, Ambon City, a demonstration took place by the Pattimura University Student Front Alliance/Barisan Mahasiswa Universitas Pattimura (Bara Pattimura).

The demonstration was carried out by around 30 students, led by Rahman (site coordinator) and Ira Tuanaya (orator). The equipment used in this action included banners and pamphlets, 1 megaphone, and narrative sheets of position statements.

Meanwhile, the demands of the demonstration are:

  1. Urge President Joko Widodo and the ranks of state officials to behave as statesmen who adhere to the corridors of Pancasila values, the constitution, and the principles of just and responsible governance.

  2. Urge the KPU, Bawaslu, and all elements of state apparatus related to the implementation of elections from the central to regional levels to hold elections fairly and neutrally. Demand that ASN, TNI, POLRI, and all state administrators at all levels be fair and neutral in holding elections. d. Appeal to existing village heads/kings, especially in Prov. Maluku, to obey the law and be neutral in responding to election contestations.

  3. Expressing disappointment that Pattimura University academics do not address the issue of democracy in Indonesia, and at the same time urges the formation of an election monitoring team consisting of Unpatti academics by the Unpatti rectorate.

  4. Inviting all elements of society to work together to oversee the 2024 election contestation so that it runs honestly, fairly and peacefully.

The demonstration, which was accompanied by a statement of position by the Bara Pattimura alliance, was contributing to an honest and fair election in response to several policies in the implementation of the 2024 Election under the leadership of President Joko Widodo, a response to the attitude of campus academics ahead of the voting on February 14 2024.

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